PCB007 Magazine


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10 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2019 MakeHarvard: A Glimpse of Technology to Come Feature by Kelly Atay The second annual MakeHarvard engineer- ing makeathon drew over 370 top students from around the world to compete for prizes while building engineering prototypes. This year's event was twice as big the inaugural year, and it was a thrill observing the prototypes of stu - dents from both the undergraduate and gradu- ate levels at the 2019 MakeHarvard makeathon. Making Makers MakeHarvard was founded on a belief in the importance of maker experience collabo- ration, encouraging students to come togeth- er and turn their wildest ideas into something real. Applicants were not filtered on previous experience but looked at individually to create the best possible combination for a successful event and an opportunity for students to meet people of all engineering levels. Over a doz- en competitions were available for students to register for, including Most Likely to Become a Unicorn, Kid's Choice Awards, Composite Materials Design Award, Clean Transportation Challenge, Best Use of Google Platform, and Best IoT Hack Using a Qualcomm Device. The event is an outshoot of the broader mak- er movement, which is essentially a tech-in- fluenced, do-it-yourself community. It was in- formally created around 15 years ago around Make Magazine—a geeked-out periodical fea- turing lots of DIY articles for creations, such as Sunstone's first-place winner, Team 42+2. Figure 1: Watch a video of team 42+2's MakeHarvard submission, the Pipe Crawler.

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