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80 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2019 Feature Interview by the I-Connect007 Editorial team The I-Connecct007 team recently spoke with a team of technologists and managers at Data Electronic Devices (DataED). We had a wide- ranging discussion with Jeff Hamlett, direc- tor of sales and marketing; Lori Giglio, general manager at the NPI Engineering Center; Vic Giglio, president and CEO; and Ron Sprizza, VP of quality for DataED. They provided an overview of the importance of company cul- ture and making your customers the first prior- ity. They also discuss how they collaboratively help customers move from NPI to making products on the manufacturing floor. Nolan Johnson: Jeff, can you tell us about DataED, where you are located, and what your role is with the company? Jeff Hamlett: We're headquartered in Salem, New Hampshire. We have two facilities in Salem, one being the worldwide headquarters plus domestic production. We also have our new product introduction (NPI) prototype facil - ity, which stands alone and is located about four miles from our headquarters where we do a lot of NPIs and prototypes for quick turns. We also have two facilities in Shenzhen, China, that we opened up in 2002, and we've been running successfully over there for 15–17 years. DataED started in 1980, so we've been in existence in the contract manufacturing arena for 39 years now. We've grown tremendously over the last few years. I joined DataED in 2010 as the director of sales and marketing. Before DataED, I was with another contract manufac- turer in Vermont as well as Massachusetts— Nexus, a small Tier 3 CM. I've been in the con- tract manufacturing world for close to 30 years. Johnson: What's the one thing you want every customer to understand about delivering a job to your shop? Hamlett: It's mostly about understanding the culture of our company. We're in Tier 2 manu- facturing and we're in the $100 million category now. We like to think of ourselves as a family atmosphere and build relationships with the customers we have. Anybody can build a prod- uct, but it's important to have established rela- tionships and treat the customers well, which has led to our success today. We have all of the bells and whistles that other CMs do, but that's the one factor that makes us stand apart. Johnson: Lori, can you tell us a little bit about your background and your role at DataED? From DataED's NPI Center to the Manufacturing Floor

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