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116 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JULY 2019 As the supply chain continues to evolve and converge, shifts in the traditional flow of mate- rials will drive the need to adopt technolo- gies that seamlessly interconnect all facets of manufacturing operations. The smart manufacturing chapter of the 2019 iNEMI Roadmap looks at enabling technologies that span industry segments, identifying key gaps and needs that must be addressed, and how these enablers are integrated. The tech- nologies considered most important to build a strong, agile, and scalable foundation are: • Materials flow and conversion • Data flow architecture • Digital building blocks (artificial intelli- gence, machine learning, digital twin) • Security This article focuses on the data flow archi- tecture of smart manufacturing, the founda- tions of which are: • Factory information and control systems • Big data • Edge, fog, and cloud computing It highlights the roadmap's integration of these elements across factory operations and facilities, digital building blocks, and security for semiconductor, OSAT, and PCBA manufac- turing. Situation Analysis General factory operations and manufac- turing technologies (i.e., process, test, and inspection) and the supporting hardware and software are evolving quickly while the abil- ity to transmit and store an increasing volume of data for analytics—such as AI, machine learning (ML), and predictive (versus reactive) operations—is accelerating. The advent, and subsequent growth, of big data is occurring faster than originally antic- ipated. This trend will continue, highlight- ing existing challenges and introducing new gaps that were not considered previously. The roadmap identifies several key considerations for data flow. It should be noted that while there are common elements across the three electronics manufacturing vertical segments (semiconductor, OSAT, and PCBA), there are also unique situations specific to each manu- facturing environment. In all cases, standard- ized communication interfaces between the segments are critical. Semiconductor and OSAT For semiconductor device manufacturing and back-end assembly and test, accelerating the development of big data technologies will enable the deployment of solutions to real- ize benefits from increases in data generation, storage, and use. These capabilities, which deliver higher data volumes at real-time and Figure 1: Connectivity architecture providing smart manufacturing functionality.

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