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62 SMT007 MAGAZINE I SEPTEMBER 2019 As you are reading this, there is something significant in your eyeline, that you are not actually seeing—your nose. The human brain is programmed to ignore things that it already recognizes to reduce the load on the analytical side of the brain responsible for visual recogni- tion of objects and events. Only if you really try to focus on your nose, perhaps open one eye at a time, will it come into view. This example of optimization of processing resource is not unique to humans; to some extent, it applies to everything that we do, especially when we grow tired. What are people working every day for many years in manufacturing not seeing? We Are Only Human, Mostly We are reminded many times in manufac- turing, that "you cannot fix what you cannot see" and "you cannot improve what you can- not measure." These annoying aphorisms are all very well as a motivational quip for gaining better visibility of the operation. However, the reality is that there is a lot going on that no-one is seeing. Many operations and practices have become a part of the background—the canvas on which we perform our daily tasks. Proof of this has been painful for some when dealing with challenges. Consultants come in from outside to help identify and resolve prob- lems. The frustration is the thought that people within the factory should know what is going on and how to improve. To many, it seems quite unrealistic that external people, who know a great deal less than incumbent fac- tory members about their specific operation, are able to come in and genuinely add con- siderable value. Consultants see things with "fresh eyes." In other words, their brains are Recognizing the Need For Change Smart Factory Insights by Michael Ford, AEGIS SOFTWARE

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