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DECEMBER 2019 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 11 reality. Scott Miller of Freedom CAD shines the light on designing today's complex PCBs and why communication with your fabrica- tor is critical for advanced board designs. And Roger Beers of Quantel focuses on a topic that doesn't get much coverage: Are ISO standards strangling innovation instead of helping? We also have columns from our regular con- tributors, including Barry Olney of iCD, Ste- phen Chavez of the IPC Designers Council, John Coonrod of Rogers Corporation, Bob Tise and Matt Stevenson of Sunstone Circuits, Mark Thompson of Prototron Circuits, and Phil Kin- ner of Electrolube. It's hard to believe that DesignCon and IPC APEX EXPO are only seven weeks away. Are you ready for 2020? Stick with Design007 Mag- azine and the rest of the I-Connect007 publi- cations. We'll bring you the information you need to know every day. Have a great holiday season! DESIGN007 Andy Shaughnessy is managing editor of Design007 Magazine. He has been covering PCB design for 19 years. He can be reached by clicking here. economy continues to hum along, adding over a quarter-million jobs in November—the high- est since January—and unemployment has dropped to 3.5%, tying the 50-year record low. It's not just a great time to be in this industry; it's a great time for employees, period. On the other hand, employers are getting accustomed to having positions open for months at a time, with some managers joking that they just can't fire anyone right now. And as we find out in this issue, it's a tough time for recruiters. This month, we asked our expert contribu- tors to discuss what they believe other design- ers and design engineers need to know as we move forward into 2020. We start out with an article by John Watson, CID, of Legrand North America, who explains what design advice he would give a younger version of himself if he could travel back in time in a DeLorean. Then, Taylor Rouse of Aerotek, a high-tech staffing company, discusses the ins and outs of today's engineering job market and offers some job- hunting hints that may sound counterintuitive at first. Next, Linda Mazzitelli of Altium updates us on the convergence of ECAD and MCAD soft- ware tools, as well as virtual and augmented Most chips in today's smartphones, computers and servers are comprised of multiple smaller chips invisibly sealed inside one rectangular package. How do these multiple chips communicate? An Intel in- novation called EMIB (embedded multi-die interconnect bridge) is a complex multi-layered sliver of silicon no big- ger than a grain of rice. It lets chips fling enormous quanti- ties of data back and forth among ad- joining chips at blinding speeds: sev- eral gigabytes per second. Today, Intel EMIBs speed the flow of data inside nearly 1 million laptops and field programmable gate array devices worldwide. That number will soon soar and include more products as EMIB technology enters the main- stream. For example, Intel's Ponte Vecchio processor, a general-purpose GPU the company unveiled Nov. 17, contains EMIB silicon. To meet customers' unique needs, this innovative tech- nology allows chip architects to cobble together special- ized chips faster than ever. And compared with an older, competing design called an interposer—in which chips inside a package sit atop what is essentially a single electronic baseboard, with each chip plugged into it—tiny, flexible, cost-effective EMIB silicon offers an 85% increase in bandwidth. That can make your tech—laptop, serv- er, 5G processor, graphics card— run dramatically faster. And next- generation EMIB could double or even triple that bandwidth. (Source: Intel) Tiny Intel EMIB Helps Chips 'Talk' With Each Other

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