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120 SMT007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2020 IPC APEX EXPO 2020 E February 1–6, 2020 San Diego, California, USA Pan Pacific Microelectronics E February 10–13, 2020 Big Island, Hawaii, USA The LED Show E February 11–13, 2020 San Diego, California, USA Embedded World E February 25–27, 2020 Nuremberg, Germany WIN EURASIA (Electrotech) Tüyap Fair Convention and Congress Center E March 12–15, 2020 Istanbul, Turkey Electronica China E March 18–20, 2020 Shanghai, China Semicon China E March 18–20, 2020 Shanghai, China LOPEC Exhibition and Conference E March 24–26, 2020 Munich, Germany SAMPE 2020 E May 5–6, 2020 Seattle, Washington, USA SMTconnect E May 5–7, 2020 Nuremberg, Germany Events Calendar Coming Soon to SMT007 Magazine: MARCH 2020: Digital Factory Implementations The value side of the digital factory, from implementation to profitability, implementation, resources, and designing, including how to know when and why to implement the model. Additional Event Calendars

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