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94 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I FEBRUARY 2020 1 Lady Gaga's Keyboardist Designs a Circular Piano E Who says a modern pi- ano has to be a certain shape? Not Brockett Par- sons, Lady Gaga's key- boardist. He worked with Dave Starkey and Chuck Johnson to create Pi- anoArc—a custom-designed 360-degree circu- lar keyboard and a company with the same name. I spoke with Brockett and Dave at Alti- umLive to learn more about the design efforts that went into this fascinating instrument. 2 Beyond Design: The Big Bang— Lumped Element to Distributed System E The simplistic approach to analyzing electron- ic circuits is to use the lumped element mod- el. However, in reality, that is not the case. Barry Olney discusses the difference between the lumped element model and the distributed system. 3 Dana on Data: Creating IP-protected PCB Design Rules E One of the primary reasons that data packages aren't com- patible is the fabricator/as- sembler does not provide a complete set of design rules out of concern of giving away their intellectual property (IP). Dana Korf ex- plores the design rule development hierarchy as well as what should be included in an IP- protected design rule document. 4 The Shaughnessy Report: New Year's Resolution—Get Involved E It's 2020, and it's time to hit the ground running as we approach DesignCon and IPC APEX EXPO. If you're not already networking with other design- ers or volunteering in our industry organizations, there's no better time to start. In the January issue of Design007 Magazine, we give a special shout- out to the volunteers who donate their spare time to improving the PCB design community. Editor Picks from PCBDesign007 and Flex007 Dana Korf

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