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REAL TIME WITH... IPC APEX EXPO 2020 SHOW & TELL MAGAZINE I I-CONNECT007 17 Burkle North America, Kurt Palmer Kurt Palmer on His New Role, the Show, and a Younger Workforce Dick Crowe and Kurt Palmer, president and CEO of Burkle North America, discuss Kurt's career history into his present role, equipment the company is exhibiting on the show floor, and the excitement about seeing a younger workforce at IPC APEX EXPO 2020. Downstream, Joe Clark Integrated Manufacturing Design and Verification Solutions Joe Clark, co-founder of DownStream Technologies, gives Kelly Dack an overview of the company and their innova- tive product line, which serves to smooth the bumps that can occur between source design output and manufac- turing line input. IPC, Chris Jorgensen IPC Addresses the Need for E-textiles Standards Chris Jorgensen, IPC's director of technology transfer, and Pete Starkey explore the need for standards in the e-tex- tiles industry and IPC's recent initiative to address the topic. Chris also discusses IPC's E-Textiles Committee, and the call for papers for the 2020 IPC E-Textiles Conference.

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