PCB007 Magazine


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74 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2021 USPAE was established in 2020 with a mission of ensuring the U.S. government (USG) has ac- cess to resilient and trusted electronics supply chains. e USG has many electronics needs, especially for defense- and security-related missions, and the USPAE is lining up fund- ing and collaboration opportunities to address those needs. USPAE Launches $42M DoD Consortium E e I-Connect007 editorial team recently in- terviewed Chris Peters, Kevin Sweeney and Shane Whiteside, members of the U.S. Part- nership for Assured Electronics (USPAE), about the award the association received from the Department of Defense to create the De- fense Electronics Consortium. In this conver- sation, they discuss the objectives of the con- sortium, which was created to help the govern- ment identify and address potential risks in the electronics industry. Defense Speak Interpreted: So, What's a JADC2? E e term JADC2 was prevalent in the late 2020 debate about the National Defense Authoriza- tion Act. It is a new way defense is using elec- tronics to shape battle strategy. JADC2 is De- fense Speak for "Joint All Domain Command and Control." Sounds impressive, doesn't it, but what does that mean? Brain-to-Brain Communication Demo Receives DARPA Funding E Wireless communication directly between brains is one step closer to reality thanks to $8 million in Department of Defense follow-up funding for Rice University neuroengineers. Wild River ISI-56 Platform Accelerates SerDes Testing E Al Neves, founder and CTO of Wild River Technology, speaks about the release of their new ISI-56 loss modeling platform. Al explains why it was so critical that this tool meets the stringent requirements of the IEEE P370 spec- ification (which he helped develop), and why he believes this is currently the best tool for SerDes testing and characterization. X-Rayted Files: The Dark Side of the Chip Shortage—Counterfeits E As the world slowly recovers from the COV- ID-19 pandemic, another problem plagues the global economy: the electronic compo- nent shortage. What some economists have deemed to be a decade of immense prosperi- ty and growth, the "Roaring Twenties" started with a hiccup. BAE Systems Backs Local Tech Company with Global Defense Capability E World leading 3D volumetric display technol- ogy developed by South Australian company Voxon Photonics has won new work with BAE Systems' UK-based submarine business and the Australian-based Hunter Class Frigate pro- gram. New Defense Electronics Group Invites Industry Participation E e U.S. Partnership for Assured Electronics is inviting electronics manufacturers and related companies to participate in its programs, high- lighting the opportunities to collaborate with industry peers and the U.S. government. e

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