PCB007 Magazine


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100 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2021 We hear a lot of owners say, "If I were 20 years younger, I would…," meaning they would make major investments or strategic changes if they had the time to realize the return on in- vestment. Other reasons for not making in- vestments are the lack of funds, lack of ener- gy, etc. However, we feel that the return on in- vestments does not always take as much time, money, or energy as owners think. Some of the investments that owners can make are the following: Equipment: Some companies in the PCB and PCBA sectors have a CapEx deficit in terms of equipment and facilities. It is easy to fall into the trap of stopping CapEx in lean years, then not making up for it when markets recover. Once a company falls behind, it becomes even more expensive to catch up. One way to make up for it is to buy used or new-ish used equip- ment. Any new equipment should more than pay for itself within a few years in terms of ef- ficiency or new customers. Companies should promote any new CapEx to customers and me- dia, which can attract new customers and proj- ects. Check with local municipalities for tax credits for investments. Training: People fear change, but they crave progress. Similar to new equipment that brings efficiencies and capabilities, a well-trained work force is more productive, efficient, and loyal. Certifications: Many small companies let their certifications lapse or stop working toward new goals. All electronics companies should 'If I Were 20 Years Younger' Punching Out! by Tom Kastner, GP VENTURES

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