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70 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2021 Introduction In this month's column, I con- vey the value of honing a skill set and the importance of being able to measure that skill set. Next, I hand it off to our PCEA Chairman Ste- phen Chavez, who offers a positive outlook on PCEA activities over the sum- mer months. Again, I am happy to provide our readers with a growing list of events which are coming up in 2021. PCEA Updates How do you hone your printed circuit engineer- ing skills? Are your skills measurable? We work in an industry which relies on analysis, checking, mea- surement, feedback, and adjustment to improve pro- cess and products. When we think about PCB engineering, we tend to consider product success in terms of people setting up process steps—people defining analysis criteria and people working to make the product more useful, efficient, and more valuable. But let's pause for a minute and ask the ques- tion: Who or what is making the people who pull the levers on all these attributes more use- ful, efficient, and valuable? Test for Design— How Do You Measure Up? The Digital Layout by Kelly Dack, CIT, CID+, PCEA

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