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NOVEMBER 2022 I SMT007 MAGAZINE 13 mance of the omnipotent technologies are the critical part of the equation. On top of hard- ware for machine learning, the hardware for "deeper" learning abilities requires integrat- ing the natural language processing and neural network that mimic the functionality and con- nectivity of neurons in the human brain in the hardware system, which is yet to evolve. Other Than Technologies To defend against hackers (human, machine, human-machine teaming), in addition to tech- nologies, other key elements of establishing a resilient cybersecurity system include people talents, sound policies, and effective processes to tackle the challenges of the complex and ever-changing cyber-physical-human infra- structure. In a nutshell, to be un-hackable, always be on the lookout for new and innovative ways to stay one step ahead of hackers—not only to react, but to anticipate and to envisage. SMT007 Reference 1. "IBM plans a huge leap in superfast quantum computing by 2023," by Robert Hackett, Fortune Magazine, Sept. 15, 2020. 2. "Quantum computing is entering a new dimen- sion," by Robert Hackett, Fortune Magazine, Dec. 3, 2020. In hardware chips, the system design, develop- ment, manufacturing, and the supply chain that enable the functions and performance of the omnipotent technologies are the critical part of the equation. Global Race Speaking of the race, in 2016 China blasted the world's first quantum communication satel lite into or b it f rom the Gob i D e s er t . "e newly-launched satellite marked a transi- tion in China's role—from a follower in classic information technology (IT) development to one of the leaders guiding future IT achieve- ments," said Pan Jianwei, chief scientist of Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) project with the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 3 . With the help of the new satellite, sci- entists are testing quantum key distribution between the satellite and ground stations and conduc t ing s ec ure quantum communica- tions. QUESS is designed to establish "hack- proof " quantum communications by trans- mitting uncrackable keys from space to the ground and provide insights into the strangest phenomenon in quantum physics—quantum entanglement. Quantum communication boasts ultra-high security by exploiting the quirky properties of subatomic particles, as a quantum photon can neither be separated nor duplicated. us, it is impossible to wiretap, intercept, or crack the information transmitted through it. In upcoming decades, it remains to be seen who will win the quantum comput- ing or quantum communication. All embrac- ingly, it appears to indicate that the disruptive quantum computing abilities are still many years away. One thing for sure is that we must address security in the quantum world. is is valid and critical. The Role of Hardware For our industry, it would be remiss not to call out hardware. Hardware technologies to increase the bandwidth and capacity within the desired power and thermal envelope, includ- ing processor, memory, GPU, interconnect, among others, make the applications of AI fea- sible. In hardware chips, the system design, development, manufacturing, and the sup- ply chain that enable the functions and perfor-

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