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48 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2023 e term wireless communication has been around for many years, and it can mean many different things. e wireless communication between your mouse and your computer is very different than the wireless communica- tion between a satellite and its ground station. e PCBs which are used for wireless com- munications are as diverse as the term. As a general statement, a more complex wireless communication system will require a more complex PCB. Depending on the wireless system, the requirements for the PCB can be diverse. Even within a system, the different modules or com- ponents can have very different requirements. A good example of a complex wireless com- munication system would be an application for a LEO (Low Earth Orbit) satellite system. Optimizing Thermal Management for Wireless Communication Systems e ground station will have different require- ments than the space-based station. Two major differences between these two compo- nents are power level and power management. e satellite will be designed to be very efficient for the use of electric power, due to the normal limits of operating in space. e ground station is typically less concerned with power management and can offer much higher power levels than the satellite, although with higher power levels will usually come tradeoffs between thermal management and system performance. e satellite systems will have concerns with thermal management, but oen different than the concerns for thermal management of the ground station electronics. e thermal man- agement issues for the ground station PCBs are Lightning Speed Laminates Feature Column by John Coonrod, ROGERS CORPORATION

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