PCB007 Magazine


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8 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2023 Nolan's Notes by Nolan Johnson, I-CONNECT007 A Tale of Quality Customer Service Companies can deliver stunning ads and effective marketing plans that create strong emotional reactions. But your personal expe- rience creates a long-lasting impression. It comes down to customer service. What's your amazing customer service story? Here's one of mine. In 1998, I was running a technical training department, selling capital equipment into semiconductor facilities. At the time, there was a lot of invest- ment in new memory fabs in China, and that meant I spent a big chunk of my time in Shanghai, run- ning onsite training pro- grams. One three-week trip routed me through the Narita, Tokyo, airport before heading to Shanghai. As I started my journey at secu- rity before boarding for Narita, I placed my luggage on the con- veyor and moved forward. Unbe- knownst to me, my planner binder (Remember those?) somehow got free of my laptop case and became wedged in the X-ray machine—where it stayed for an hour before they were able to get it out. Meanwhile, I had already boarded the plane and never heard the page calling me back to security. While it might seem a minor incon- venience to leave your planner at the airport, this particular book contained my passport, entry visa, boarding pass into Shanghai, and $500 in cash. I was in the air, headed to Tokyo, and completely unaware. Somewhere over the Aleutian Islands, a voice in my head said to check on my planner. Imagine that profoundly sinking feeling when I realized I didn't have it. Being this was 1998, I pulled out my credit card and used the air- plane's pay phone to call home. My wife quickly answered and I explained that I had lost my planner. I asked her to call the airport's lost and found department, as well as Del- ta's customer service number. I said I would call back in 30 minutes. Let me tell you, never had time moved so slowly as that half-hour. When I called her back, she had plenty to report. Airport security had my planner, and would surren- der it to Delta's customer service, which had offered to put my planner on the next set of flights to Shanghai. Miracu- lously, it would arrive about 18 hours behind me. My planner would be delivered to my Shanghai hotel just as if it had been lost luggage. Now, how did I get to Shanghai from Narita without a passport or boarding pass? I knew I could manage 18 hours without my plan- ner, but I needed that paperwork for my con- necting flight. I was pleasantly surprised once again when a Delta representative met me at Make the customer the hero of your story. — Ann Handley

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