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10 SMT007 MAGAZINE I MAY 2024 Feature Interview by Nolan Johnson I-CONNECT007 Plato Systems, a machine perception com- pany spun out of Stanford University, employs AI and video data to analyze and optimize the human component in manufacturing. Ini- tially focused on semiconductors, Plato Sys- tems has expanded into EMS manufacturing. Co-founder and CEO Amin Arbabian, along with product advisor Anders Holden and head of growth Luis Vidal, discuss their approach to changeover optimization and its impact on pro- ductivity in the industry. ey've also included customer Raj Vora in the conversation. Nolan Johnson: Amin, I want to discuss AI on the manufacturing floor, and I'm particularly intrigued by Plato's focus on changeover. Why don't we start with an overview of your company? Amin Arbabian: We're fundamentally a machine perception company. If you look at your current changeover process, ask yourself, "What is the changeover? How do you qualify it?" A changeover is a step in the process where the level of interaction between the operator and the machine is critical. It's also a big piece of your total productivity, especially if you have a significant number of changeovers in your operations. It's where you have multiple steps and sequences that must be done. Much like a pit stop in a Formula One race, you have to optimize your process. If you want to codify changeovers, start by considering that they're a manifestation of the operator- machine interaction. We're bringing operator and factory behavior to the table through spe- cific AI detection. Using AI to Redefine Productivity

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