PCB007 Magazine


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Page 82 of 92

July 2014 • The PCB Magazine 83 WHY REMOvING YOUR BOTTLENECK IS A BAD IDEA continues line loading and balanced production). The re- sult over the marginal case is huge! Why? Prod- uct being able to pass slower moving product is a good thing, not a bad thing! For example, imagine what it would be like on a freeway where once you entered you weren't allowed to pass any cars! Imagine what would happen if granny was driving on the road! Similarly, if one machine is taking longer than another to process, the next machine available can be chosen. The question is how many machines and extra capacity do you need? This is a so- phisticated problem that involves tradeoffs and diminishing returns. For example, the more ex- pensive the machine then the more difficult it is to justify adding more capacity. What does this all mean for us in our shops? A year ago, I wrote, What is the DAM Problem with Scheduling (July, 2013). It blows up into an NP Hard problem (an impossible to solve prob- lem with today's computing technology) as you increase the number of bottlenecks in the plant. One possible way to not only improve your plant's performance for throughput and cycle time is to add extra capacity, which would create a capacity buffer, and to do this in such a way that you have a well-defined bottleneck in your factory no matter the product mix. This might be too expensive or too idealistic to achieve, but it is well worth thinking about. PCB References 1. Factory Physics. Hopp, Wallace J., and Spearman, Mark L. (3 rd edition, 2008, McGraw Hill: New York). gray McQuarrie is president of grayrock & associates, a team of experts dedicated to build- ing collaborative team environ- ments that make companies maximally effective. to read past columns, or to contact McQuarrie, click here. ETI/NEA: Combining Expertise through Merger by Real time with...IPC aPeX eXPo 2014 guest editor Kelly dack chats with eti/nea President, jon Pelletier, who explains the companies' merger and specializations within the industry. realtimewith.com CliCk To View VIDeo InteRVIew

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