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10 The PCB Design Magazine • August 2014 energized. He was walking faster and faster, as if he had eyes in the back of his head, and he re- ally didn't want to be interviewed. I finally ran and caught him, and then, of course, he did a great interview. It's hard to believe Dieter's gone now, be- cause he seemed to defy the laws of aging. He shook your hand like he was 50 years young- er. He was always quick-witted, always on the ball, and very sharp, even after a week at a trade show. Dieter moved fast because he always had somewhere to go. One year, I saw Dieter at APEX, and a few weeks later I ran into him at a conference in Quebec. He was everywhere. Who wants to travel that much? He even joked about how he might keel over in an airport one day. I see this a lot in the PCB community, espe- cially in the design world. People just keep on working well after they reach 65. Some things just get into your blood and become part of your DNA. The design world needs more people like Dieter, people who are willing to devote their lives to PCB design, and to IPC. We'll miss him. PCBDESIGN Andy shaughnessy is manag- ing editor of The PCB Design Magazine. he has been cover- ing PCB design for 15 years. he can be reached by clicking here. the shaughnessy report GooDByE, DIETER continues by Real Time with... NEPCON South China it is with great sadness that iPC announces the passing of Dieter Bergman, iPC staff member for more than 40 years. Decorated with countless awards over his life- time, Bergman's name will forever be synony- mous with iPC, and he leaves a legacy of friend- ships, lasting memories, and what is affectionately treasured by iPC staff and close friends as "Dieter-isms," such as a 45-minute answer to a 10-second question. Bergman began his career in 1956 as a designer for Philco Ford in Philadel- phia, Pennsylvania. he assumed the po- sition of supervisor of the printed circuit design group in 1967, and joined the company's advanced technology group where he specialized in printed circuit comput - er-aided design. Before that, however, 1962, he became Philco's official representative to iPC and received the iPC President's Award in 1968, the same year he assumed chairmanship of the iPC Design Committee. Bergman was elected Chairman of the iPC Technical Activities executive Committee in 1974, and later that year joined the iPC staff as Technical Director. in that role, he was respon- sible for a number of things: the coordination of standards, specifications and guidelines develop- ment; round robin test programs; establishment of workshops and seminars; government and inter-society liaison; and initiating iPC activities in europe and Asia. in 1984, Dieter became Director of Technol- ogy Transfer to help foster the interchange be- tween design and manufacturing and he contin- ued to serve as a leader in the identi- fication of future technologies and in- dustry needs. While Bergman had a special place in his heart for the design community, his contributions to the industry as a whole earned him iPC's highest honor, the hall of Fame Award, in 1985. Most recently, Bergman chaired the iPC Ambassador Council, a group of iPC hall of Famers who provide advice and guidance to iPC, and encourage active par - ticipation in iPC activities by all of its members to enhance the electronics industry. "The staff and i feel very fortunate to have known Dieter, and have benefited from his knowledge and his passion for the industry," said iPC President and CeO John Mitchell. "he will be missed, but always remembered as an icon, pioneer and friend." The Passing of an Industry Icon: Dieter Bergman

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