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10 The PCB Design Magazine • June 2015 IPC-A-610 is an essential document in an electronic assembler's library. Not only is it nec- essary to have the proper material and tools, but it is also important to have clearly defined acceptance criteria. IPC-A-610 provides that cri- teria developed and accepted by representatives from some of our industry's leaders. Most often, IPC-A-610 is used as a compan- ion document to other standards. While there is much overlap in criteria for these compat- ible standards, each has a unique purpose. The development and evolution of IPC-A-610 falls largely on a unified task group, which consists of volunteers who often work together on other standards as well. It is because of this that so many standards are able to operate as compan- ion pieces. For example, IPC J-STD-001 is a ma- terial and process requirements standard that IPC-A-610 At-a-Glance Since 1983, IPC-A-610, Acceptability of Elec- tronic Assemblies, has been the standard used by organizations interested in understanding the acceptability criteria for electronic assemblies around the world. To understand the ultimate power of IPC- A-610, you need to first understand what is at the core of this standard. IPC-A-610 is a collec- tion of visual quality acceptability requirements for electronic assemblies. It is utilized as a post- assembly acceptance standard to ensure that electronic assemblies meet acceptance require- ments. By Teresa Rowe IPC The Past, Present, and Future of IPC-A-610 feature

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