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December 2015 • SMT Magazine 31 FeATure inTerview IPc: connecTInG eLecTronIcS InDUSTrIeS Beyond that, we are anticipating the release of IPC-6018C, High Frequency Board Performance Specification. We are also working diligently to create more online learning opportunities in 2016. Q: how does ipc assist members in dealing with government agencies? A: IPC is the leading global advocate for the electronics industry. Whether it's engaging with policy makers on Capitol Hill, in the European Union or China, IPC and its members proac- tively seek opportunities to educate, inform and influence policymakers on policies that spur in- novation, growth and competition, and in the environmental arena, policies that are scientifi- cally based and provide important protection. Q: What are ipc's most successful programs and why? A: Everything we do is created with a focus on the industry. Accepted worldwide as the key manufacturing standards for the printed board and electronics manufacturing industries, IPC standards are associated with nearly every stage of the electronic product development cycle. From design and purchasing to assembly and packaging, IPC standards help ensure superior quality, reliability, and consistency in the elec - tronics assemblies that go into an electronic product. Currently, IPC's collection of industry stan- dards and guidelines exceed 300 active standards, and our resource library contains more than 1,000 standards. We have leveraged this knowledge to create programs to train and certify users across the globe. As a result, OEMs and EMS companies recognize the value of IPC credentials. Q: Why should someone join ipc? A: As a global, member-driven organization, we exist to help our member companies inno- vate, compete, and succeed. By being the hub of knowledge in the electronics industry, IPC provides standards, training and certification, market research, education, and public policy ad- vocacy to help member compa- nies achieve their goals. We are here to help our members cre- ate better quality products, en- hance the skill and knowledge of their employees, reduce costs and waste, comply with regula- tions, and be ready to capitalize on what's next. SmT

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