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46 SMT Magazine • January 2016 by Stephen Las Marias i-connecT007 Brian Morrison is the director for Value En- gineering & Technology at SMTC Corp. and has direct responsibility for process, test and development focusing on new customer and new product introduction. In an interview with I-Connect007, he discusses the manufacturing challenges facing electronics manufacturing service (EMS) providers when it comes to medi- cal electronics, and the increasing need for risk management, design control and traceability. Stephen Las Marias: What can you say about the impact that the medical market has on the elec- tronics manufacturing industry? Brian Morrison: T he medical market for the elec- tronic manufacturing services (EMS) industry is a branch of electronics that deals with design, imple- mentation and use of elec- trical devices and equip- ment for medical purposes such as research, examina- tion, diagnosis, treatment, assistance and care. We are seeing a num- ber of portable and wear- able medical electronic devices that are used both in a hospital and home environment. Conventional medical de- vices have evolved over time with the advent of handheld smart phone-sized systems, which are now becoming available for monitoring pa- tients at home or in the field and can send data to a doctor in a connected environment. The medical market's drive for smaller, com- plex and advanced electronics has increased Medical electronics: Risks and Opportunities for Electronics Manufacturers FEATurE inTErViEw Brian Morrison

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