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40 SMT Magazine • April 2016 Summary A single automated data preparation stage creates a single product data model for all pro- cess preparation stages within minutes, instead of days, which means that time to market can be faster. Features dedicated to each task then work together on the product data model to complete the preparation. All in a fraction of the time compared with using separate software pieces, even those provided by the machine vendors, in isolation. Built into all of these tools is the highest de- gree of error checking, ensuring that nothing is left out, that every element of the production process can be simulated in the software tools. If errors are eliminated, expensive line time is not wasted. New products are introduced right the first time without significant cost and resource overhead. For the contract manufacturers, the surprises have been removed, risk is lowered, and pricing can be made more accurate and competitive. For existing products, the software reduces the time and cost to move products between line configurations to the point that it is insig- nificant, even if the target site is on the other side of the planet. This reduces the product movement barrier enabling agility throughout the operation, allowing it to scale much more effectively and efficiently in response to chang- ing demand patterns. Asset utilization is increased as a result of more efficient line configurations, balancing, and machine programs. The cost of work to per- form process preparation has also been signifi- cantly reduced, with process preparation engi- neers now free to focus on actual engineering is- sues and improved planning technologies rather than manual and duplicate data processing. When engineering product data is used as part of the integrated factory, scheduling is far more effective when the accurate execution times of each process are known. Planning can be much more flexible when given several line configuration options to choose from, to- gether with the ability to dynamically create common feeder layouts. It is practical and cost- effective to prepare each product for multiple different lines, bringing real value to schedule optimization. For assembly and quality, each process has complete and accurate information, highlights of changes, and qualified documentation. Knowing that the product is being built cor- rectly, to the correct revision, with each process knowing exactly what is expected, providing the benchmark against which to measure the actual execution of each piece of product at each process. SMT Michael Ford is senior marketing development manager with Mentor Graphics Corporation Valor division. To read past columns, or to contact the author, click here. Researchers of Aalto University in Finland have dem- onstrated the fabrication of electrochemically active or- ganic lithium electrode thin films, which help make mi- crobatteries more efficient than before. Researchers used a combined atomic/molecular layer deposition (ALD/ MLD) technique to prepare lithium terephthalate, a re- cently found anode material for a lithium-ion battery. "ALD is a great method for making battery materi- als fit for 3D microstructured architectures. Our method shows it is possible to even produce organic electrode materials by using ALD, which increases the opportuni- ties to manufacture efficient microbatteries," says doc- toral candidate Mikko nisula from Aalto University. The researchers' deposition process for Li-terephthal- ate is shown to comply well with the basic principles of ALD-type growth, including the sequential self-satu- rated surface reactions, which is a necessity when aim- ing at micro-lithium-ion devices with three-dimensional architectures. The as-deposited films are found to be crystalline across the deposition temperature range of 200-280°C, which is a trait that is highly desired for an electrode material. Manufacturing Method for Batteries with Organic Electrode Materials bEsT-PracTicE ProcEss PrEParaTion for Pcb assEmblY

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