PCB007 Magazine


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40 The PCB Magazine • October 2016 This month's column is not about PCB tech- nical stuff; instead, it's about some valuable les- sons I have learned this summer during that most fantastic of events, the Olympics. What I have learned can now be applied to PCBs and how we can transform a glass-reinforced lami- nate or any other bare material into an incred- ibly useful product that will make the difference in every single life of this planet. The 2016 Summer Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro finished about two months ago and there are many things we can learn from the athletes, coaches and supporters. It was the first time Brazil held such an event, and it started quite well with the opening pre- sentation. If you haven't seen it, I strongly ad- vise you to do so. It was outstanding. Of course there were pros and cons before and during the games, but as a whole, the Olympics were quite good. Thomas Bach, presi- dent of the International Olympic Committee, said, "These were marvelous Olympic Games in the marvelous city." Every time I watch a game, TV show or movie I subconsciously start linking what I am watching with what I live daily. It is amazing the number of things we watch that can in- fluence our way of leading, either for worse or better. With the last Olympics and Paralympic Olympics it was not different. For this reason, I would like to share some leadership thoughts I have learned from Brazilian athletes and coaches in the last couple of months. by Renato Peres CIRCUIBRAS Leadership Lessons from the Rio Olympics 2016 FEATURE COLUMN — MADE IN BRAZIL

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