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72 The PCB Design Magazine • December 2017 1 I-Connect007 Launches The Printed Circuit Designer's Guide to… Power Integrity by Example Micro eBook The Printed Circuit De- signer's Guide to… Power Integrity by Example is authored by Fadi Deek of Mentor, A Siemens Busi- ness. This title is a follow- up to Deek's previous book on signal integrity, which is also available for download in our library. 2 Nine Dot Connects: Good Design Instruction is a True Value-Add I recently had the chance to interview Paul Taub- man, technical services director for Nine Dot Connects. We discussed the company's expan- sion from VAR to service bureau and content pro- vider, and the changing landscape of PCB design instruction. 3 Cannonballs, eBooks, and Signal Integrity I-Connect007 editors Andy Shaughnessy and Pete Starkey recently met with Polar Instruments Man- aging Director Martyn Gaudion at productronica. They discussed the success of "The Printed Cir- cuit Designer's Guide to…Secrets of High-Speed PCBs," the ongoing challenge of facilitating com- munication between designers and fabricators, and the influence of chemical bond-enhancement processes on insertion loss. 4 Happy Holden and Charles Pfeil Discuss the Past and Future of PCB Design, Part 2 In Part 2 of this feature interview, Barry Mat- ties continues his con- versation with industry icons Happy Holden and Charles Pfeil at the recent AltiumLive 2017 event in San Diego. In this half of the interview, we discuss the potential for artificial intelligence in EDA soft- ware tools, the graying of the designer pool, and what can be done to draw more young people to PCB design. TOP TEN Recent Highlights from PCBDesign007

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