PCB007 Magazine


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52 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2018 References 1. A chameleon-inspired stretchable elec- tronic skin with interactive colour changing controlled by tactile sensing, Nature Commu- nications. 2. Electronic Textiles: Wearable Computers, Reactive Fashion, and Soft Computation, Tex- tile, Vol. 3. 3. Fast Fashion is Creating an Environmental Crisis, Newsweek, Sept. 1, 2016. 4. Good Vibrations? California t Test Using Road Rumbles as a Power Source, IEEE Spec- trum, 19 April 2017. 5. Veranu. 6. Energy Floors. 7. Smart Materials (3 of 5): Shape shifting material, YouTube. 8. Application of Magnetostrictive Films in Astronomical X-ray Telescope, Northwestern Engineering, Advanced Manufacturing Pro- cesses Laboratory. 9. Science of Innovation: Smart Concrete, Science 360 video. 10. Shape-Morphing Smart Materials; the Future of Assistive Technology, Mark C. Ransley,Tedx UCL. 11. IPC E-Textiles 2018 Workshop. Tara Dunn is the president of Omni PCB, a manufacturer's rep firm spe- cializing in the printed circuit board industry. To read past columns or to contact her, click here. New developments require new materials. Until recent- ly, these have been developed mostly by tedious experi- ments in the laboratory. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing SCAI in Sankt Augustin are now significantly shortening this time- consuming and cost-intensive process with their "Virtu- al Material Design" approach and the specially developed Tremolo-X software. By combining multi-scale models, data analysis and machine learning, it is possible to develop improved materials much more quickly. At the Hanover Trade Fair from April 23 to 27, 2018, Fraunhofer will be demonstrating how the virtual material design of the future looks (Hall 6, Booth A30). In almost every industry, new materials are needed for new developments. While an automo- bile used to consist of just a handful of materi- als, modern cars are assembled from thousands of different materials. Whether it's making a car lighter, getting better fuel economy or developing electric motor batteries, every new development requires finding or developing the material with the right properties. The candidates have usually been selected from huge material databases and then tested. Although these databases provide in- sight into specific performance characteristics, they usually do not go far enough into depth to al- low meaningful judgments about whether a material has exactly the desired properties. To find that out, numerous laboratory tests have to be performed. The scientists at the Fraunhofer SCAI have chosen a different approach. The requirements for the substance are broken down to the inner structure of the material: that is, down to the atomic level. From the Quantum Level to the Car Battery

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