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22 SMT007 MAGAZINE I JUNE 2018 Jason Michaud: Yes, with packaging sizes getting smaller, the need for creative flex solu- tions is growing. Overall, we are seeing an increase in demand for flexible printed circuits. Las Marias: What factors are driving this? Michaud: What's driving a good portion of new business for Miraco is the redesign and sourcing of flexible printed circuits for custom- ers who had gone directly offshore with their flexible circuit requirements previously and have experienced problems doing so. We are seeing a lot of flex circuits that were under- designed or improperly designed to meet their intended use. Las Marias: What are the top three challenges when it comes to flexible circuit assembly? Michaud: The challenge for flexible circuit assembly is balancing electrical, mechanical, environmental and cost requirements with the material availability of suppliers and the manufacturability of the complete intercon- nect system. Pressure sensitive adhesive is a Feature Interview by Stephen Las Marias I-CONNECT007 Miraco Inc. offers design, sourcing and value-added assembly of flexible interconnect products, including flex circuits, flat cables and wire/cable assemblies. The company services its diverse customer base from multiple loca- tions—including headquarters in Manchester, New Hampshire, and its principal manufac- turing site, Miraco South facility, in Tijuana, Mexico. The company also has additional satellite offices in the north and southeastern parts of the United States. Jason Michaud, a 19-year veteran at Miraco, is the company's new vice president of sales. In an interview with SMT007 Magazine, Jason speaks about the challenges in flex circuit assembly, and the best practices to address those issues. Stephen Las Marias: Are you seeing increasing demand for flexible circuits? Jason Michaud

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