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70 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2018 fully automated unit for the induction bonding registration machines. Additionally, we developed another novel product and technology for the next process after the registration and bonding. We creat- ed a new system for pressing or laminating the panels. It is also based on the InduBond tech- nology, but that lamination press is called In- duBond X-Press. Nolan Johnson: How did you become connect- ed with GreenSource? Lázaro: Several years ago, when this new proj- ect started at Whelen, Alex visited an Indu- Bond account in Germany that has InduBond inner layer lay-up equipment. That's where we introduced Alex to this technology. And Alex, being a very forward- thinking person, was immediate- ly interested in the pinless lami- nation. Alex began asking me about the lamination press technolo- gy. We were seated in a meeting room defining how the automa- tion and the induction bonding machine registration would work according to his requirements. By chance, I mentioned that we had another technology that had not yet gone to market. I introduced that technology and its benefits. Because Alex is a fanatic for the state-of-the-art, he asked to come to Barcelona to see the first ma- chine, which had been working for eight years for a local customer. He was very impressed with what he saw, and he wanted us to move in that direction. InduBond is taking charge of the whole lamination process at Green- Source. Their goal is to produce complex boards and laminate us- ing our new induction bonding press technology. The benefits of our equipment are that you can get even pressures and tem- peratures—including high temperatures—but the energy performance is also important. Our technology uses just 8–10% of the energy a standard press uses for a similar capacity, which offers huge energy savings. Barry Matties: When you're talking about the press, the energy savings is a big deal, but also the heat-up and cool-down cycle time. Does that provide substantial savings as well? Lázaro: Our technology saves a lot of time in the heating, of course, because the energy is directly channeled into the material. It's not heating the big ovens that then must transfer heat into the material. However, the limit to Figure 1: Induction lamination press.