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80 PCB007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2018 David Ravino: GreenSource is a fully automat- ed PCB shop. They were looking for a solution for AOI that would connect to their automa- tion so that AOI would be part of their inline process. We've been doing this with our cur- rent technology for many years. I don't know if you are aware that CIMS is a spinoff of Cam- tek. We're providing the ability to connect our AOI system to different types of automation. Our technology could be installed as a stand- alone unit, connected to a loader/unloader, or part of an inline process. It was the perfect fit for GreenSource. Besides conventional inspec- tion, we also offer outer layer inspection. This allows inspection of the finished part—final in- spection—which is unique to our AOI system. Goldman: Are you providing metrology? Ravino: Our metrology solutions were criti- cal for GreenSource. We deliver 2D measure- ments in our metrology solution, which mea- sures lines and traces with an accuracy of plus or minus two microns and the actual size of the panel with an accuracy of plus or minus eight microns. We also offer the ability to do a 3D measurement, which measures the height of the trace and laser via depth with submi- cron accuracy. The technology for 3D measurement is Ful- crum technology. It's a combination of laser and light. To measure height, we use a laser. To measure depth, we use Fulcrum. Metrology can be used as a tool to measure for impedance control, or it can be thickness con- trolled. Thus, the me- trology option with such a mature tech- nology distinguishes us from our competitors. Goldman: Are you involved in via inspection, too? Ravino: Yes, another feature we offer is la- ser via inspection. Since GreenSource plans to produce HDI PCBs, all the AOI systems we sold them are designed to go down to 15-mi- cron lines and spaces. Again, one of the criti- cal items for GreenSource was not to have the operator involved. The operation of our AOI equipment can be 90% automated. To do this, the equipment reads the barcodes, identifies the layers, automatically loads the job into our AOI system, and completes inspection. Another key feature GreenSource will use is the ability to verify defects. To give you the idea about the configuration, the machine will be connected to the DES line. Panels will load into the AOI, and one side of the panel will be inspected. Next, the panel will flip and be moved to the next AOI where the second side is inspected. Then, the panel will move to an offline verification station. When the panel reaches the offline verification station, it will be verified remotely by an operator who could be anywhere, including off site. This is an overview of the configuration we're installing at GreenSource. We're work- ing very closely with AWP, the company that produces and develops the automation soft- ware for GreenSource. The ability to integrate so closely with AWP is one of the primary rea- sons why GreenSource selected the AOI system from CIMS. Matties: Is your equipment already there and in opera- tion? Ravino: Yes, the equipment is there, but it's not con- nected to the automa- tion yet. AWP has had some delays in supply- ing the automation soft- ware, and that affects the DES line. However, all our systems were tested as standalone units; they just aren't connect- ed to the line yet. The plan is to go live

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