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68 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2018 build it!" What you need to real- ize is that we ask our supply chain to build to standards. We legally hold them accountable to produce a Class 2 or Class 3 board, and then we design to the requirement of an IPC Class with a producibility level. The pro- ducibility level affects yields and profit margins, so these are very important aspects to the stan- dards. This month you're covering data. What I would say about data is that a manufacturer must work with the data designers supply. Designers should understand the manufacturing process and how to support the manufacturers while ensuring that circuits will to perform properly. There's a lot of activity going on with IPC. There's a new platform called "The IPC Edge" that is essentially an online learning platform. Steph and I are both certified IPC instructors for the CID and CID+ classes. We are also mem- bers of the executive board for the Designers Council. There are also local chapters spread across the globe where designers can partici- pate. The whole purpose of the Designers Council is to facilitate an orderly exchange of design concepts concerning printed board manufac- turing and design. IPC offers technical educa- tion and events both on-site and online. We have conferences, workshops, webinars, and professional certification programs. Further, there's no fee to join. Members have access to design-related events, programs, communications, and technical support, as well as the DC forum and bulletin board. There are a lot of networking and technical education oppor- tunities. You can participate in the development of standards. We make these standards; IPC doesn't make the standards. We make the standards by participat- ing in the industry. Remember that IPC membership is for your organization, but the Design- ers Council is for the individuals doing design layout. Because many people can't attend these events for a variety of reasons, we've decided to partner with our friends at I-Connect007. We'll be providing an ongoing, monthly col- umn to cover these topics. To be fully trans- parent, we will also have a similar presence with UP Media's publication. Steph has been named the communications officer and head of the steering committee. Steph, why don't you take over? Steph Chavez: Sure, Mike. First, let me start by saying that I couldn't agree with you more on what you shared or say it any better than you just did, so I'll add some additional content to what you've already laid out. The biggest point we want to make is that we want this com- munications committee to be a center point to help facilitate and guide the local area chapters and global designers to start communicating and collaborating more with each other. There are about 25 of us along with many other IPC chapter leaders that are volunteering our time to do this, and we're always eager to help fos- ter positive energy and collaboration moving forward. Global communication is key for overall suc- cess as a united industry community. With this committee, we will provide general IPC and Designers Council news and updates to every- one globally. We will also provide an overview of information on training centers like EPTAC Corporation and others that are available for Mike Creeden The whole purpose of the Designers Council is to facilitate an orderly exchange of design concepts concerning printed board manufacturing and design.

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