Are Megatrends Putting Your Product
at Megarisk? E
It took 38 years for radio to get 50 million users,
television made it in 13 years, Internet in four,
iPod in three, and Facebook in only two years.
What these numbers mean to our industry is
the need to create electronics at blazing speeds
that we haven't seen before. But how will it
affect reliability? Read on.
Electronic Components Market Update E
Unfortunately, there is still no end in sight to
the electronic component shortage, and some
lead-times are being quoted with 2019 and
even 2020 delivery dates! So if you are working
with an EMS provider, it remains vital that you
communicate and share forecast information
with them. You may also want to start looking
at the option of fitting, or designing in, smaller
components to your PCB assemblies.
Volunteers Honored for Contributions
to IPC, Electronics Industry E
IPC—Association Connecting Electronics Indus-
tries presented Committee Leadership, Special
Recognition and Distinguished Committee
Service Awards on October 15 at IPC's Fall
Standards Development Committee Meetings in
Rosemont, Illinois.
Tips to Improve Soldering Tip Life
and Reduce Cost E
Whether in production, or repair and rework,
the cost of soldering iron tips can be easily
overlooked, but with today's requirement for
higher temperatures in lead-free solder applica-
tions, the consumption of tips has dramatically
increased. This fact, combined with changes
in tip design to meet the higher thermal load
requirements, has also resulted in escalating tip
costs, making tip care a high priority.
Indium on Voiding and Auto Electronics
Test Standard E
In this interview with I-Connect007, Indium
Corporation Technical Manager Jonas Sjoberg
discusses voiding and other key challenges in
soldering, as well as an automotive electronics
testing standard based out of South Korea that
is seeing increased utilization all over Asia. He
also talks about the increasing trend in manu-
facturers moving to Type 5 and Type 6 solder
powders, and how this is causing its own set of
challenges in printing.
IoT: Driving Change in Manufacturing E
In the manufacturing world, the Internet of
Things (IoT) can be seen as an element of
Industry 4.0. The idea behind it is that factories
would evolve to become smarter, to become a
lot more flexible—to be able to make the prod-
ucts that customers want, basically at any time
that they need.
XR Update: Emerging Realities E
The rate of advance in the use of XR—the term
now being used to cover AR (augmented real-
ity), VR (virtual reality), and MR (mixed real-
ity)—in many areas, along with advances in the
hardware and network capability supporting the
use of XR, is accelerating. And because things
are moving so quickly, here's a quick review and
an update on recent developments in this field.
ESI's New Allegro LC Extends High-Volume
Test Capability to Larger MLCCs E
Electro Scientific Industries, Inc. has
announced the availability of its new Allegro
LC test system, designed to address the high-
level testing of larger multilayer ceramic capac-
itors (MLCCs) used increasingly in rapidly
growing applications, including handheld, IoT
and automotive products.