Rick Hartley is Bullish on
PCB Design, 3D Printing
At the recent PCB West in Sili-
con Valley, Consulting Techni-
cal Editor Tim Haag met with
long-time design industry vet-
eran Rick Hartley to discuss the
changing landscape of circuit
board design, the layout design-
ers of the future, and how designers can benefit
from 3D printing of circuit boards.
Book Review: The Printed Circuit
Board Designer's Guide to… Producing
the Perfect Data Package
Over the course of his career,
Mark Thompson, CID+,
engineering support at Pro-
totron Circuits, has evaluated
thousands of data packages
and delivered numerous talks
to designers and engineers
about how to create the per
fect package. In the spirit of
"garbage in, garbage out," data packages must
be perfect to create quality boards. Learn all this
and more in The Printed Circuit Designer's Guide
to… Producing the Perfect Data Package!
One-Question Survey, Part 2:
What Advice Would You Offer
a New Designer?
During AltiumLive 2018, the I-Connect007
editorial team asked some of the attendees to
answer one question: What advice would you
offer to a brand-new PCB designer? Here are
just a few of the replies we received. Read how
John Watson from Legrand, Cherie Litson of
EPTAC and Francis Allotey from Ward Leonard
answered this question.
Catching up With Scott McCurdy
and Freedom CAD
During PCB West, Scott
McCurdy of Freedom CAD
Services sat down with Tech-
nical Editor Tim Haag for an
interview. We discussed Free-
dom CAD's latest news, some
trends in PCB design software tools, and the
continuing need to draw more young people
into a career in PCB design.
Bullish on AI
David White has been involved with artificial
intelligence research for almost 30 years. Now,
David is the senior group director of R&D for
Cadence Design Systems, and I knew we'd
have to speak with him for this issue on AI. In
a recent interview, we discussed his decades
of work in AI, Cadence's research into AI and
machine learning, and what he believes AI
could mean for the EDA tools of the future.
Darwin E. George: Seeking PCB
Design Job at Retirement Age
Some of us dream of living a
life of leisure at 70. But not
Darwin E. George. This sep-
tuagenarian wants to find a
job designing PCBs. We met
up with Darwin at Altium-
Live, where he was networking and trying
to get his foot in the door with one of the
companies that are hiring now. Darwin told
us about his career in PCB design, his experi-
ence learning a new EDA tool, and why he
would rather design high-speed PCBs instead
of playing shuffleboard for the rest of his life.
for the latest circuit design news and information—anywhere, anytime.
Rick Hartley