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60 PCB007 MAGAZINE I DECEMBER 2018 Matties: What if a singular large OEM says, "We'd like to train our workforce on this." Would that be possible? Friedman: That's something we would take un- der consideration. Matties: It seems like there's a dynamic shift in the marketplace, and the needs for training are shifting as well. You mentioned earlier that there's a shortage of entry-level workers. Do you see a groundswell there? Friedman: Absolutely. In fact, we've hired in- dustry experts to focus specifically on that is- sue. The other thing that companies have not taken advantage of in the past, which was your original question, is our global government re- lations group—especially today with tariff and trade issues. Members have an actual voice in Washington D.C. and other halls of govern- ment to channel their feedback and make it relevant so that the government pays attention to our industry as they've never done before. Matties: It looks like you're having some suc- cess there. Friedman: That's true. We've gotten some legis- lation passed that incorporates language from some of IPC's positions that we've submitted to the government specifically in the areas of defense electronics and workforce education. Matties: Is there anything we haven't talked about that you feel we should share with the industry? Friedman: If any issues require addressing and you feel strongly about it, we're here to listen, and if it's something that we see should be in- dustry driven, then we'll certainly take up the banner. Matties: Thank you so much for your time to- day, Mark. Friedman: Thank you. PCB007 In this video, IPC president and CEO John Mitchell discusses technological advancements in automotive electronics and IPC's standards development activities that support the automotive industry. Automotive Electronics: Past/Present/Future