Tempo Automation's Open House
Raises the Curtain in San Francisco
Based in San Francisco, Tempo Automation spe-
cializes in rapid PCB assembly and on low vol-
ume production for a wide range of board com-
plexities. It recently held an open house at its
brand-new facility in the South of Market (SoMa)
district—which is normally restricted under cus-
tomer non-disclosure agreements as well as Inter-
national Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) regu-
lations—to customers, vendors, local designers,
and government officials.
3D Printing and Medical Electronics:
A Disruptive Beneficial Technology
We are seeing significant advances and
increased uses for 3D manufacturing in medi-
cine—many more than 3D-printed and conduc-
tive circuits on device structural components.
There is enough movement in this area that 3D
additive fabrication in medicine—including but
not limited to 3D-printed circuits—has become
its own topic, and one that we will be watching
and continuing to cover.
Quest for Reliability: Does Medical
Device Reliability Worry You Sick?
When you are manufactur-
ing high-reliability assem-
blies related to medical
industry, it is critical to
take a very close look at
the assembly process and
all other processes that can
influence the end-use reliability—even seem-
ingly unrelated processes, such as post-instal-
lation cleaning—as it really could be a matter
of life or death.
Electronic Manufacturing Files:
What We Need for PCB Assembly
As PCB assemblers, manufacturing is all about
taking data and delivering good working cir-
cuit boards. It can be just data, as in full turn-
key, data plus some parts, or a partial turn-key
or a kitted job. Regardless of whether you're
sending parts and boards or having us buy
everything, PCB assemblers need good data,
and a lot of it.
Editor's Picks from SMT007.com
Eric Camden