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66 PCB007 MAGAZINE I JANUARY 2019 speed and generate a lot of heat. Companies want to increase the speed of the microprocessor clock, which generates a high temperature. These kinds of companies use multilayer boards and want low CTE, high Tg, and high thermal conductivity. Aismalibar has developed a new product range for producing thermal double- side and multilayer boards achieving excellent properties in the three key points. The idea is to replace traditional FR-4 for our COBRITHERM materials(3.2 W/mk, 180 Tg) to achieve a better performance of a board. That's also challenging today in the market, and there's a big discussion of how we can increase the speed of the clocks of the microprocessors to have the higher output of the processor without heating up the microprocessor too much. Once again, a lower temperate will allow the board to run on a high clock speed. We are working a lot on this end also. Johnson: I'm thinking through what you just said and what that means in the PC manufacturing environment. That is a big deal. Benmayor: For example, all of the computing needed for mining technology related to the cryptocurrencies. There is a lot of calculation to be done there. We are working with a couple of the big players around the world today. By using Aismalibar COBRITHERM laminates on graphic cards or miners, they can decrease the temperature on the joint points 15–18%. This means large savings on external heat sinks as well as a 15–20% increase of the speed of the board can be achieved because they are capable to increase the clock speed. More clock speed means more calculation and output of the same board. Johnson: So, there are plenty of places for your substrates to be put to use, obviously—not just automotive, but automotive certainly does seem to be the point on your spear. Benmayor: That's right. Johnson: Aismalibar recently announced two products under the COBRITHERM brand, an ultra-thin 3.2-W/mk laminate. Do you have further products that should be coming on shortly that your customers should look for? Benmayor: First, we are launching in early January. We are already in production for the thin laminate for producing multilayers, which is based on the 3.2-watt material with a very low CTE value and high Tg mainly required in the boards going to be dedicated to the calculation for microprocessing boards, mosfet. Those companies normally need boards of eight to 10 layers with a lot of microprocessors on top of the board and the operation temperature of around 100–120°C, which is very high for a PCB. The goal is to release as much temperature there and keep the microprocessor as cool as possible to guarantee the long life of the board. Johnson: Aismalibar is clearly stepping up to the task of doing thermal management in some very difficult spaces. I look forward to talking to you in the future as more products come out. Benmayor: That will be nice. It takes time to produce a new product, and it's more challenging every year. We are in the requirements to do more high-tech products, so it takes longer from the time we achieve the technical goal until we can have something real and scalable in our hands. It requires more and more effort to increase the technology of the materials. Johnson: Thank you for your time today, Eduardo. Benmayor: Thank you. I hope to see you soon. PCB007 Figure 6: Fastherm CuCu material from Aismalibar.

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