Ventec's Marketing Strategy
and Their Newly Appointed
Technology Ambassador E
At electronica 2018,
Mark Goodwin, chief
operating officer at
Ventec International
Group, discusses the
company's marketing
strategy along with
their newly appointed technology ambassador,
Alun Morgan, and how he sees the world.
Unimicron Says ABF Substrate
Demand Remains Robust E
Demand for ABF
(ajinomoto build-
up film) substrates
continues to be
s t r o n g w h i l e
demand for other
IC substrate and PCB products is being affected
by seasonal factors, according to Unimicron
Flexible Thinking: Achieving
Continuous Flexible Circuit
Innovation E
Since their introduction, flexible circuits have
continued a steady climb from relative obscurity
to center stage in the world of electronic
interconnections. Today, they are among the
most popular choice for solving challenging
electronic interconnection problems. Those
who use this technology on a regular basis
are familiar with the many reasons for the
popularity of flex.
It's Only Common Sense:
The "It" Factor—Are You a
Dedicated Salesperson? E
As 2018 ends and the new year is almost upon
us, we should all do a little soul searching and
self-evaluation; a tune-up to make sure that
we still have "it." We should strive to find the
"it factor" that makes us great salespeople,
causes us to wake up every morning ready to
go and make those sales, and drives us to be
successful even when we don't feel like it.
Editor Picks from PCB007
Starkey, Goodwin, and Morgan