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34 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2019 • Award professional development grants to teachers who support STEM education • Create and expand a network of IPC Stu- dent Chapters at universities and commu- nity colleges. Foundation staff are engaged in talks with several schools and have already received commitments from the several to establish IPC Student Chapters, including Auburn, North Carolina State, Sacramento State, Central Carolina Community College, Gwinnett Technical College, and Michigan Technological University IPC-member companies are also getting involved. Calumet Electronics is underwrit- ing the student membership fees at Michigan Technological University, and Weller Apex Tool Group is supporting students at North Carolina State University and Central Carolina Commu- nity College. These IPC Student Chapters create opportu- nities for IPC members to connect with pro- spective job candidates and get them interested in our industry. IPC members can share infor- mation with students on the latest processes and how they were developed. Member sites can host plant tours, offer internships, and give students an inside look at the industry. IPC Stu - dent Chapter members get the opportunity to connect their coursework with real-world ap- plications, expand their professional network, and apply for scholarships and internships. Our mission is to introduce students to ca- reers in our industry and prepare them with skills that will give them an advantage as they enter the job market. We have begun our fun- draising efforts and are actively seeking IPC members to take a lead role. We plan to award thousands of dollars in scholarships in 2019 and provide students with an understanding of the sophistication of today's smart manufacturing environments and opportunities available for an emerging workforce with the proper skills. Please join us in supporting the workforce of the future. You can get involved by visiting the Foundation's website at or contact Co- lette Buscemi, senior director of the IPC Educa- tion Foundation at PCB007 Dr. John Mitchell is president and CEO of IPC—Association Connecting Electronics Industries. To read past columns or contact Mitchell, click here. Donald Monn, regional sales manager at Taiyo America, speaks with I-Connect007 Technical Editor Pete Starkey about the latest updates in their inkjet solder masks, and the many installations around the world that they are seeing for their product. He adds that the many tools supporting their latest product are giving much value to their customers because of the options they have. Watch here. RTW IPC APEX EXPO 2019: Updates on Taiyo's Inkjet Solder Mask