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10 PCB007 MAGAZINE I MARCH 2019 remains. But where operators were a primary job function in the past, engineers and technicians will be increasingly required in manufacturing to fill the gap. To achieve Industry 4.0, machines will manage the automation and staff will use their analytical skills more than their hands. After all, people are also inherently adaptable to their environments. It's no wonder that educational programs are strongly on the mind of industry leaders and organizations. In this issue, we start with "The Smart Facto - ry IQ Test" where you can quiz your conceptual Industry 4.0 knowledge based on an often-cited whitepaper published by Deloitte on the smart factory. Next, Barry Matties visits Ventec International Group's China-based facility. Laminate isn't con - sidered a high-mix, low-volume business—espe- cially in China—but that's exactly their approach. Dr. John Mitchell, IPC president and CEO, in- troduces the IPC Education Foundation in his column, which is a 501c(3) organization to assist students and the emerging workforce. Returning to China, we bring you a report from the recent HKPCA & IPC Show in Hong Kong. Mr. Hu Yang provides an overview of how the Chi - nese domestic market is developing and changing the fabrication industry. Tara Dunn shares an example of doing business that serves as a great metaphor and reminder. The real smarts in any factory are—and will continue to be—the people who perform the most com - plex, heuristic analyses of all. Read her column titled "Old-fashioned Networking." From people to technology, I-Connect007 Technical Editor Happy Holden and factory automation pioneer posts an overview of the "Hardware and Software in Smart Factories." Somehow, Steve Williams brings together Star Trek, The Jetsons, and "Maximum Overdrive" in his discussion of the rise of the fourth industrial revolution. In "The New Frontier of Manufactur - ing," Williams takes a broader view, discussing the key elements making up Industry 4.0 tech- nologies. The PCB Norsemen consider smart factory technologies and the move into implementation around the globe. They specifically mentioned, "A growing trend is for even more traditional fac - tories to have connected equipment…China is now making a significant amount of investments in AI and smart automation for PCB manufactur- ing and other related applications." In "Optimizing the OSP Processes for High Performance," Michael Carano discusses organic solderability preservatives (OSPs). Given that the estimate is that 45% of all the PCBs produced an - nually use OSPs, this is a dominant finish type. "Testing Todd" Kolmodin dives into creating "Confidence in Inspection" in his column. Kol- modin discusses third-party inspection, which seems to be gaining ground in the high-growth, high-reliability sectors, such as aerospace and medical. In an emerging smart factory environ - ment, the rise of third-party inspection seems to be a natural evolution. Wrapping it all up, we bring you "The Trav- elling Engineer, Part 1." Columnist Mark Ladle shares an anecdote about his initial experiences traveling overseas as a field engineer. As Industry 4.0 transforms the manufacturing workforce, the role of the field engineer will continue to become more important. So, there you have it—the intersection of smart factories and the emergence of Asia as an early adopter. You can share your smart factory opin - ions and experiences with I-Connect007 by email- ing us at PCB007 Nolan Johnson is managing editor of PCB007 Magazine. Nolan brings 30 years of career experience focused almost entirely on electron- ics design and manufacturing. To contact Johnson, click here.