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12 SMT007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2019 weren't a lot of opportunities. I applied to the one or two places available. They said they weren't hiring, so I started asking, "How can I market myself?" I received an e-notice when I joined the IEEE that there was an opportunity to do just that. I came to the conference and met the conference organizer, Mike Andrews, who helped set me on the path for success professionally and through volunteering for the IEEE. In the junior year of my degree program, I thought, "I need to start getting some real experience," I asked Mike if he knew anywhere I should apply. Mike made a recommendation to reach out to a contact in Arizona. I reached out to him when I happened to be in Arizona for a vacation, and they said, "Come down for an interview." I actually got the job through networking. If it wasn't for the Rising Stars Conference and applying what I learned there, I don't think I would be where I'm at today in my current job. It has been amazing how much of a difference the conference has made on my life and enabled me to progress and succeed. By applying what I've learned at Rising Stars Conference, I was also nominated and selected for employee of the quarter. I attribute a lot of that to what I learned at the conference. Johnson: There are approximately 350 students and young professionals in the conference right now experiencing their own version of that same story. Smith: Yes, and one of the big things for me being in Montana, which is pretty low income, I couldn't afford to fly to these types of events. So, when I learned I could volun- teer and get funding to come to this event and support it, it really empowered me. I would encourage anybody that can't afford it or thinks it's not possi- ble, just reach out to us. Let us know that you want to help and what you're passionate about, and we'll try to make it happen. Johnson: If we can pivot a little bit, who should come to the Rising Stars Conference? Who are you targeting? Smith: The conference is aimed at young engi- neers studying for an engineering or computer science degree, or anyone in a position related to technology. We also have humanitarian efforts and professional tracks to develop skill sets. Thus, it applies to anyone looking to better themselves technically or professionally, which includes students and young profes- sionals. Typically, the conference is ideal for people with less than approximately 15 years of experience, but we do have topics that are broad and apply to all demographics. I think it appeals to pretty much anyone, but our target audience is college students and young profes- sionals. Johnson: I know this from my personal expe- rience and from talking to others who have earned a technical degree: nothing in my college curriculum required me to learn how to be a professional. It seems like there are a lot of those skills built into the Rising Stars Conference. How did that come to be? Smith: We recognized a need for what the students had to understand and how they were going to market themselves, generate their personal brand, and interact with other people. To realize that, you must network with other Matt Smith performing his master of ceremonies duties at the IEEE Rising Stars Conference in Las Vegas.

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