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36 SMT007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2019 mended it to us. My goal is personal and professional development through networking workshops and other educational materials. Anthony: I heard about this through our IEEE chapter too. Some seniors had gone to this conference, and I thought it would be a cool one to attend. I'm really hoping to get networking connections from people in the industry that I could talk to later in life. Eric: I heard about this through my school's IEEE chapter, and I came to learn about emerg- ing technologies. Stone: I learned about Rising Stars through my local IEEE Chapter, and I came here for networking, profes- sional development, and staying up to date with new technologies. Simon: I learned about it through the IEEE president at my local chapter. Gregorio: My objective is to find a third speaker for a committee event… Unfortunately, this is as far as we got with the conversation before another activity was announced and the group politely scattered. Gregorio, the young professional now work- ing for the U.S. government, was unable to finish his thought. While I had been hoping for more details on their individual experiences, it was very clear that each one of these students was fully immersed in the conference agenda. They all had other things to learn and master— no time for a reporter! However, the group did come back together for a short while, and we talked as much as time allowed. As we regrouped, I had Anthony, Stone, Simon, and Gregorio in the conversation. Nolan: Picking up where we left off, did you achieve your objec- tive here this weekend? And what's something that you're going to take immediately back to implement at your school or workplace? Anthony: I definitely achieved what I wanted to do. I was looking for network- ing contacts and people to talk to, and it was amazing to meet all of the people here. I talked to someone named Lorenzo, and he gave me his contact information. He said even if it wasn't immedi - ate, I could still contact him in two or three years when I'm ready to get into radar engineering, which is what I was looking for; I hope that will come to fruition in the future and help me out. I also want to bring back a lot of the knowledge I gained from the workshops. They had radar and 5G people to talk with, which is something that we don't necessarily talk about at my school; I think that's something I can translate to other students that weren't able to make it to this conference. Stone: I achieved my objective this weekend too. I learned a lot about new technologies that I can continue to research. In the future, I can explore these technologies when I look into various companies where I might want to work at or different research oppor- tunities for academics. Simon: I would say I achieved my goal, which was trying to learn from the workshops and find a few networking opportunities as well. I learned a lot from the resume work- shop and learned some interview tips, which I think I'm going to use very soon. Stone Wilkes Eric Bressinger Justus Engstrom