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42 DESIGN007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2019 At a recent Sunstone Circuits planning sum- mit, Matt Stevenson, VP of sales and market- ing, and I led a wide-ranging discussion about emerging technologies and how they will im- pact PCB manufacturing (Figure 1). The fol- lowing is an abridged transcript of this conver- sation. Which Industries Have the Most Innovative, New Technology? Matt Stevenson: One industry we're seeing a change in is transportation electronics. Bat- tery-powered vehicles, autonomously driven vehicles, additional sensors and gadgets, and a focus on Bluetooth use are all happening in the transportation industry more so now than ever. From a PCB manufacturer standpoint that's pretty exciting. Bob Tise: There's also more complexity be- cause of the functionality requirements. That makes it all the more important to ensure de- signs are manufacturable and that the boards will perform as needed in their operating envi- ronments. Stevenson: Yes, and these electronics are con- tinuously becoming smaller and faster. Vehi- cles require circuit boards that can withstand extreme temperatures, vibration, and dirt. Af- ter outer space, it's the most demanding envi- ronmental category there is. We need to design for big swings in temperature from Siberia to Dubai. Putting a car in the sun in some places in the world at 250°F (~120°C) is not unheard of in the cabin or under the hood (Figure 2). As more and more electronics are used to op- erate our cars, the devices in them keep getting smaller. Ensuring the devices do not trade du- rability for functionality and size is a big chal- lenge for PCB designers and manufacturers. Preparing for Tomorrow's Technology Today Connect the Dots by Bob Tise, SUNSTONE CIRCUITS Figure 1: Bob Tise (L) and Matt Stevenson (R) meet to discuss emerging technologies. Figure 2: Vehicles require circuit boards that can withstand extreme temperatures.