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30 PCB007 MAGAZINE I APRIL 2019 Formally launched during IPC APEX EXPO 2019, the IPC Education Foundation (IPCEF) focuses on strengthening and shaping the emerging workforce by providing educational opportunities, connecting the emerging work- force with industry opportunities, improving the perception of the industry, and offering scholarships to deserving students. As we encourage careers in the electronics industry, we recognize that there are costs associated with educational pursuits. To ad- dress that issue, IPCEF is providing scholarships to students and teachers to provide growing sourc- es of funding for eli- gible individuals. We opened the first of two scholarship programs to participants on March 4, and we are just getting started. There are currently eight scholarship opportu- nities available open to a small applicant pool based on eligi- bility requirements. Our first scholar- ship, offered to educators, is the Michael V. Carano Teacher Excellence Award, supporting the professional development for second- ary and post-secondary educators pursuing training related to the electronics industry. The Carano Award recognizes the extraordi- nary contributions that IPC Hall of Famer and highly sought after international professional Calling All Scholars and Educators: IPCEF Launches Scholarship Program development instructor Michael Carano has made to the electronics industry. The award includes a $1,000 scholarship and a one-year membership pass to IPC EDGE, IPC's online learning platform. Students can nominate their educator (e.g., teacher, professor, faculty advi- sor, etc.) for the Carano Award. The second scholarship program, The IPC Student Chapter Scholarship, helps to identify and encourage talented and focused IPC Stu- dent Chapter members to pursue careers in the electronics industry. The IPC Education Foundation has launched seven IPC Student Chapters with a goal of 50 student chapters by the end of 2019. Current- ly, only student members at Auburn, North Caro- lina State, Sacramen- to State, Central Carolina Commu- nity College, Gwin- nett Technical College, Mich- igan Technical University, and Triton College are eligible for this $1,000 annual award. The success of the IPCEF relies on the partnerships be- tween industry leaders and educational institu- tions, and IPC facilitates this unique opportu- nity for industry and education to prepare en- gineering students with knowledge specific to the electronics industry. Two partnerships that have led the way in this effort are Weller Tools and Calumet Electronics, each with a unique approach to the issue. One World, One Industry Feature Column by Dr. John Mitchell, IPC—ASSOCIATION CONNECTING ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIES