Standard of Excellence: Choosing the
Right Replacement Vendor
What happens when you have all of the suppli-
ers you need, but a larger firm acquires one of
them all of a sudden, and there is only one qual-
ified supplier left when there used to be two. As
a smart PCB user, you always want to keep your
options open in case you are going to have to
qualify another supplier to buy your PCBs from.
Altus' Axis: Why Are Data Analytics
so Important to R&D Within Inspection
Any sales professional operating in the inspec-
tion space will tell you that the market is flooded
with competition when it comes to SPI and AOI
machines. Although I have no doubt their pre-
ferred solution will be the market leader, unless
you are knowledgeable about the differences in
provider and the array of technologies available
today, you can soon fall into a trap of not select
ing the correct platform for your application.
The Mannifest: First Time With In-house
SMT Assembly? Start With a Great Design
One of the best ways to eliminate possible pro-
duction issues when you handle your SMT work
in-house is to ensure that you have a manufac-
turable design. Thus, there are several factors
to keep in mind when reviewing your designs
before bringing your production in-house or
starting your first run of in-house prototypes.
Goepel electronic Solutions,
Webinar Series, and Trends
Barry Matties catches up with Matthias Müller
to chat about the wide range of test and inspec-
tion solutions currently being offered by Goe-
pel electronic as well as the informative webinar
series produced by the company to help further
educate their customer base and promote tech-
nical discussion on a number of topics.
3D Optical Inspection Provides 'Eyes' for
Process Improvements in Industry 4.0
Automated 3D solder paste inspection (SPI) and
3D automated optical inspection (AOI) systems
have become an integral part of the printed cir-
cuit board assembly (PCBA) process because
they help ensure high-quality production. As
today's board complexity is increasing, inspec-
tion technology becomes even more critical.
KYZEN's Chelsea Jewell Recognized by
Products Finishing 40-Under-40
KYZEN, the global leader in innovative envi-
ronmentally friendly cleaning chemistries,
is pleased to announce that Chelsea Jewell,
application lab manager, has been selected to
the Products Finishing 40-Under-40 class for
2019. Jewell was recognized at the NASF Sur/
Fin Show on June 4, 2019, in Chicago.
Naprotek Purchases a Nordson SELECT
Selective Soldering System
Naprotek Inc. has purchased the Nordson
SELECT Cerno 103IL selective soldering sys-
tem. The robust system provides the company
with an exceptional combination of versatility
and productivity.
Low-temperature SMT Solder Evaluation
Until recently, the use of Sn/Bi-based SMT sol-
der materials has been investigated with neg-
ative consequences for high strain rate (drop-
shock) applications; thus, these alloys have
been avoided. Recent advances in alloy doping
have opened the door to revisit Sn/Bi alloys
as a possible alternative to SAC-305 for many