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AUGUST 2019 I DESIGN007 MAGAZINE 113 5 Tim's Takeaways: Clear Communication Takes the Cake E Whether baking a cake or building a circuit board, it's all about clear communica- tion. If the person writing the recipe had not made the choice to clearly communi- cate what their intentions were for baking that cake, I would have been lost. A missing ingredient here or an incorrect oven temperature. 6 Connect the Dots: The Future of PCB Manufacturing Doesn't Belong to Robots, but to the Users E Is the world ready for the con- sequences of rapid automa- tion? Will the use of robots displace entire categories of workers? Can artificial intelli- gence really "think"? How will manufacturing, including PCB manufacturing, be affected by all of these smart robots? These questions actually come from a pamphlet pub- lished in 1955: "The Age of Automation: Its Ef- fects on Human Welfare." 7 The Pulse: Modelled, Measured, Mindful—Closing the SI Loop E At speeds up to 2 or 3 GHz, it usually suffices to ensure the transmission line impedance matches the driver and receiv- er. And a field solver makes light work of the calculation. But push the frequency higher, and other fac- tors come into play. 8 EDA Industry Revenue Up 16.3% in 1Q19 E The electronic system design (ESD) Alliance Market Statistics Service (MSS) announced that the electronic design au- tomation (EDA) indus- try revenue increased 16.3% for Q1 2019 to $2606.4 million compared to $2241 million in Q1 2018. 9 Mentor Video: Sharing Data Throughout the Lifecycle with EDX E The Xpedition EDM data management suite of tools is de- signed to provide seamless integra- tion between en- gineering and external PLM and ERP systems across the enterprise. This integration utilizes the Enterprise Data eXchange (EDX) data for- mat to share data throughout the product life- cycle. J Words of Advice: What Feature Would You Like to See in Your CAD Tool? E In a recent survey, we asked the following question: What feature would you like to see in your CAD tool? Here are a few of the answers, edited slightly for clarity. for the latest circuit design news and information—anywhere, anytime. Tim Haag Bob Tise Martyn Gaudion

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