AWE 2019: Go XR,
Be Awesome E
Dan Feinberg attended and
covered the recent 2019
Augmented World Expo
(AWE) and conference in
Santa Clara, California.
The event featured the lat-
est developments and tech-
nologies in augmented
(AR), mixed (MR), virtual (VR), and extended
virtual reality (many just call it all XR to make
it simple). Here's a wrap-up of the event.
Emma Hudson: From Tomboy
to Tech Lead E
In this interview, Emma
Hudson, CTO of Gen3, and
Gayle Paterson, founder of
Female Leaders in Tech,
Everywhere (FLITE), dis-
cuss careers and the elec-
tronics industry.
EPTE Newsletter:
JPCA Show 2019, Part 2 E
Many new technolo-
gies and products re-
lated to flexible cir-
cuits were introduced
by mid-sized manu-
facturers at the JPCA
Show 2019. Oki Cable displayed several unique
technologies that included stretchable and
transparent circuits. They are proactive with
introducing new materials for base materials
as well as conductors and coverlay.
Punching Out!
Exit Planning 101 E
Proper planning can take
away many headaches for
the seller and buyer as well
as increase the value of
the company, help obtain
better terms, and overall,
make it easier to complete
a transaction.
Editor Picks from PCB007
Dan Feinberg
Emma Hudson
Tom Kastner