a topic through the link on my columnist page
(left side).
Editor's Note: The references correspond with
the numbered headings, and the further read-
ing suggestions correspond with the superscripts
throughout the column.
1. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: The 10 Fundamental Rules
of High-speed PCB Design, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4,
and Part 5,"
Design007 Magazine, September, October,
November, and December 2018, and January 2019.
2. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: Stackup Planning, Part 1,
Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, and Part 5,"
The PCB Design Maga-
zine, June 2015, July 2015, August 2015, and October
2015, and
Design007 Magazine, July 2019.
3. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: Next-Gen PCBs—Substrate-
Integrated Waveguides,"
The PCB Design Magazine,
November 2017.
4. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: The Dark Side—Return of
the Signal,"
The PCB Design Magazine, May 2017.
5. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: Microstrip Coplanar Wave-
The PCB Design Magazine, March 2017.
6. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: DDR3/4 Fly-by Topology—
Termination and Routing,"
Design007 Magazine, June
7. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: Plane Crazy, Part 1 and Part
The PCB Design Magazine, December 2015 and Janu-
ary 2016.
8. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: Signal Integrity, Part 1, Part
2, and Part 3,"
The PCB Design Magazine, October, Novem-
ber, and December 2014.
9. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: PDN and Capacitor Selec-
tion, Part 1 and Part 2,"
The PCB Design Magazine, Decem-
ber 2013 and January 2014.
10. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: The Dumping Ground,"
PCB Magazine,
August 2011.
Further Reading
1. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: Ground Pours: To Pour or
Not to Pour," I-Connect007 online, 2011.
2. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: PCB Design Techniques for
DDR, DDR2, and DDR3, Part 1 and Part 2,"
The PCB Design
May and June 2011.
3. B. Olney, "Beyond Design: Return-Path Discontinui-
The PCB Design Magazine, April 2017.
Barry Olney is managing director of
In-Circuit Design Pty Ltd. (iCD),
Australia, a PCB design service
bureau that specializes in board-
level simulation. The company
developed the iCD Design Integrity
software incorporating the iCD Stackup, PDN, and CPW
Planner. The software can be downloaded
au. To read past columns or contact Olney, click here.
Figure 4: The 10
fundamental rules
of high-speed
PCB design.