highlight the benefits for all stakeholders to
harmonize, converge on standards, and make
operations the most in terms of performance
so that it could be of benefit for all stakehold-
ers. The stakes here are not a local business
one like more money for my company; the real
stake is a safer world for workers, consumers,
families, children, friends, and future genera-
tions on Earth. This stake is well worth such
an ambitious plan; let us start this long jour-
ney together.
My special thanks to Robert Friedman (Sie-
mens Healthineers), Walter Jager (ECD Com-
pliance), Koshi Kamigaki (Canon), Christophe
Garnier (Schneider Electric), Will Martin
(Granta Design), Aidan Turnbull (BOM-
check), and Rick Shanks (Pratt & Whitney)
for their inputs and/or their review of this ar-
ticle. This article is established under the sin-
gle responsibility of the author; the reviewers
mentioned in this section may not agree with
its content.
1. JIG: Joint Industry Guide.
2. JGPSSI: The Japan Green Procurement Survey
Standardization Initiative is a council established to
standardize the list of substances targeted by surveys
and survey response formats, thereby reducing the la-
bor required for surveys undertaken to identify chemical
substances in various parts and materials and improv-
ing the quality of responses received. (Source: acro-
3. RosettaNet: A non-profit consortium. (Source: wiki-
4. PDF: Portable document format is an open standard
maintained by the International Organization for Stan-
dardization (ISO). (Source: acrobat.adobe.com/us/en/
5. SDDcomXML: A standard for the exchange of safe-
ty data sheets. (Source: esdscom.eu/english/sdscom-
6. chemSHERPA: The Chemical Information Sharing
and Exchange Under Reporting Partnership in the Sup-
ply Chain is a distributed-for-free software authored by
the Japan METI (Japanese Ministry of Industry). (Source:
7. Accuracy: Qualitative assessment of correctness
or freedom from error. (Source: pascal.computer.org/
8. Effectiveness: Accuracy and completeness with
which users achieve specified goals. (Source: pascal.
9. Efficiency: The degree to which a system or com-
ponent performs its designated functions with minimum
consumption of resources. (Source: pascal.computer.
10. CMMI: The Capability Maturity Model Integration is
a maturity model for organization developed at Carnegie
Mellon University (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) and admin-
istrated by the CMMI Institute. It is based on five maturity
levels that the organization is assessed against and has
been adapted for products and services development,
like software, such as CMM-DEV. (Source: en.wikipedia.
11. SPICE: Software Process Improvement and Capa-
bility Determination, or ISO/IEC 15504, is a set of tech-
nical standards documents for the computer software
development process and related business manage-
ment functions. It is one of the joint International Or-
ganization for Standardization (ISO) and International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards, which
was developed by the ISO and IEC joint subcommittee,
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7. (Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO/
12. (Source: Aidan Turnbull)
This paper was first presented at the IPC APEX EXPO
2019 Technical Conference on and published in the 2019
Technical Conference Proceedings.
Jean-Pierre Théret is senior
consultant and materials compli-
ance and EcoDesign specialist
with Dassault Systèmes.