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22 SMT007 MAGAZINE I OCTOBER 2019 Upcoming Presentation I will present a lecture on "Electronics Reliability: Role of Intermetallics" at IPC APEX EXPO on February 3, 2020, in San Diego, California. Dr. Jennie S. Hwang—an inter- national businesswoman and speaker, and business and tech- nology advisor—is a pioneer and long-standing contributor to electronics hardware manufactur- ing as well as to the environment- friendly lead-free electronics implementation. Among her many awards and honors, she was inducted to the International Hall of Fame—Women in Technology, elected to the National Academy of Engineering, an R&D-Stars-to-Watch, and YWCA Achievement Award. Having held senior executive positions with Lockheed Martin Corp., Sherwin Williams Co., SCM Corp, and CEO of International Electronic Materials Corp., she is currently CEO of H-Technologies Group providing business, tech- nology and manufacturing solutions. She is the Chair- man of Assessment Board of DoD Army Research Lab- oratory, serving on Commerce Department's Export Council, National Materials and Manufacturing Board, NIST Assessment Board, Army Science and Technol- ogy Board, various national panels/committees, interna- tional leadership positions, and the board of Fortune-500 NYSE companies and civic and university boards. She is the author of 500+ publications and several books, and a speaker and author on trade, business, education, and social issues. Her formal education includes four aca- demic degrees as well as the Harvard Business School Executive Program and Columbia University Corporate Governance Program. For more information, please visit To read past columns or contact Hwang, click here. case to justify building custom-designed chips (e.g., application-specific integrated cir- cuit [ASIC]). The increased workload and almost unlimited processing power propelled by machine learning and AI will require the most advanced semiconductors, packaging approaches, and manufacturing prowess ever developed to reach the interconnect density that is and will be needed. Its timely materi- alization hinges on the successful effort of our industry. Conclusion Not being different from the past 15 years, in the long run, innovation and competitive- ness are key to a constantly rejuvenating econ- omy. Only a strong economy retains and cre- ates jobs. In an uncertain time that inevitably "picks" winners and losers in the race of new technologies—and one that is filled with debate about trade policies and business strategies— an open mind to pragmatically assess the prac- tical options is the way to go. In closing, this leads me to borrow the following quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald: "The test of a first-rate intelligence i s t he ability to hold two opposing ideas in the mind at the same time, and still retain the ability to function," effectively, swiftly, and timely. SMT007 References 1. Dr. Jennie S. Hwang, "The Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0): Intelligent Manufacturing," SMT Magazine, July 2016. 2. Dr. Jennie S. Hwang, "Artificial Intelligence: Super- exciting, Ultra-competitive," SMT007 Magazine, Septem- ber 2018. At the recent SMTA International 2019 Conference and Exhibition in Rosemont, Illinois, SMTA Ambassador Gary Tanel gives Andy Shaughnessy an update on his work with Electron- ics Alliance and the Dallas chapter of SMTA. He also discusses the JoAnn Stromberg Student Leader Scholarship Award and the Charles Hutchins Educational Grant. Click on the image to watch this interview. Gary Tanel Provides an SMTA Update