ter in Sunnyvale, California. They discussed
a variety of topics related to flex design, in-
cluding the support structure that's needed
in flex design, the everchanging world of flex
materials, and the need for working with a
flex fabricator as early as possible in the flex
design cycle.
Decreasing Bend Radius and Improving
Reliability—Part 1 E
Many of the issues that arise when using a flex
circuit come from a lack of knowledge about
how to properly design one, especially when
the circuit is required to bend.
Amphenol Printed Circuits Recognizes
Panasonic as a Qualified Vendor for
Flexible Laminates E
Amphenol Printed Circuits has qualified Pana-
sonic's Felios Flexible Laminates and will now
increase usage on new part numbers.
Flexible PCB Maker Zhen Ding Likely
Revise 2019 Revenue Forecast Upward E
Flexible PCB specialist Zhen Ding Technology
is expected to revise its revenue forecast for
2019 to growth from flat as projected earlier,
having posted strong sales for September and
the third quarter.
BMW i Ventures Invests in Flexible
Circuit Tech with CelLink E
BMW i Ventures has recently invested in Cel-
Link, a San Carlos, California-based manufac-
turer of flexible circuit technology that delivers
high-conductance, large-area, lightweight, and
low-cost flexible circuits through a proprietary
combination of manufacturing processes, de-
signs, and materials.
Trouble in Your Tank: Working With
Flexible Circuits E
Even though they are a smaller part of the cir-
cuit board industry, flex and rigid-flex circuits
have been growing in popularity over the last
decade, and for good reasons. These circuits
are made to be thin, flexible, and durable.
However, in addition to the opportunities that
come with flex and rigid-flex circuits, there are
also challenges. Find out more here.
Flexible Thinking: Standards—
An Industrial-strength Glue E
Just as there are many government bodies
around the globe, there are hundreds of stan-
dards bodies around the world with sometimes
conflicting missions in terms of the generation
and guidance in the enforcement of industri-
al standards. In this regard, just as laws help
to hold societies together, standards serve the
vital purpose of holding industries together.
They are an industrial-strength glue that holds
the industry together.
Development of Flexible Hybrid
Electronics E
This article will present a hybrid manufactur-
ing process to manufacture FHE systems with
a two-layer interconnect structure utilizing
screen printing of silver conductive ink, filled
microvias to connect ink traces at the different
layers, and use of the traditional reflow process
to attach the semiconductor chips to the print-
ed substrates.
Insulectro and DuPont Experts Talk
Flex Design E
Mike Creeden recently spoke with Insulectro's
Chris Hunrath and DuPont's Steven Bowles at
the DuPont Technology and Innovation Cen-