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38 PCB007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2019 especially on the manufacturing side. Whereas on the software side for design, it's a technol- ogy push. They create the tools, put them out there, and let people do what they're going to do. Meanwhile, a manufacturer is not going to expand its capabilities into fully photonic, ex- tremely complex boards with non-orthogonal interconnect geometry at the photonic level unless there's a demand for it, plain and sim- ple. They're not going to do it because it car- ries such huge upfront costs. Johnson: Are you observing anything that might be a little bit unusual or surprising? Peterson: In terms of designers, one thing that I see as being surprising is the lack of new, younger talent coming into the industry, and I see you smiling and nodding your head. It's interesting because when I was teaching, most of my students were electrical engineers, and they all wanted to go into the semicon- ductor industry. The semiconductor industry, as far as the overall electronics industry, is sexy, and the manufacturing process is cool, but the PCB side is kind of seen as an over- blown way of connecting wires together. I think there's a lack of understanding of the complexity that goes into a lot of boards. So, I'm a bit surprised by the lack of interest by the next generation of engineers in getting into the PCB side. Johnson: One could say that it is a little bit scary if you go through a PCB facility, and there are open tanks, dangerous chemicals and fumes, and puddles on the floor where you have to wear rubber boots; that's not attractive. Peterson: That sounds like the lab I worked in at university, so I'm cool with that. Whereas if you go to Intel or another semiconductor manufac- turer, you're throwing on the bunny suit, which I wanted to do. I wanted to work in the metrol- ogy side at Intel or another semiconductor com- pany because so much of what I had to do for my research involved microscopy; I used optical and electron microscopes all the time. I felt like I could do that and enjoy it, but I'm glad I didn't. Johnson: Zach, thanks for your time. Peterson: Thank you. PCB007 embedded AI algorithm technologies and SoC (System on a Chip). It goes beyond traditional LiDAR, providing full data col- lection and comprehension. As a ground-breaking prod- uct, the RS-LiDAR-M1 not only collects and interprets high definition 3D point cloud data, but also processes road data in real-time, with a built-in AI algorithm and SoC, while at the same time synchronizing high-precision po- sitioning output; road traffic signage; lane markings, driv- ing areas, road curbs, and obstacle detection; tracking; and classification. Also, it is the world's smallest MEMS- based solid-state LiDAR, providing a low cost, high sta- bility, and superior manufacturability to meet automotive- grade and serial production requirements. The RoboSense RS-LiDAR-M1 Smart LiDAR Sensor will be on display in the Innovation Awards Showcase at CES 2020. (Source: RoboSense) RoboSense, a leading autonomous driving LiDAR perception solution provider, announced that it has won the CES 2020 Innovation Award the second year in a row for autonomous vehicle technology. RoboSense won this year's award for the first MEMS-based Smart LiDAR Sensor, winning in the Vehicle Intelligence and Self-Driving Technology category. The RS-LiDAR-M1 is the first MEMS-based smart LiDAR sensor for self-driving passenger vehicles with its own RoboSense Wins CES 2020 Innovation Award for Autonomous Vehicle Technology