PCB007 Magazine


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56 PCB007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2019 Raytheon, WEYTEC Team to Co-develop the Next-generation Air Traffic Control Workstation E Raytheon Company has signed a teaming agreement with WEY Technology (WEYTEC), a global leader in advanced data visualization and operator control solutions, to co-develop the next-generation air traffic controller work- station called Multi-Platform ATC Re-Hosting Solution, or MARS. Combination of Techniques Could Improve Security for IoT Devices E A multi-pronged data analysis approach that can strengthen the security of IoT devices—such as smart TVs, home video cameras, and baby monitors—against current risks and threats has been created by a team of Penn State World Campus students pursuing master of profes- sional studies degrees in information sciences. Wearable, Washable Textile Devices Are Possible With MXene-coated Yarns E Producing functional fabrics that perform all the functions we want, while retaining the characteristics of fabric we're accustomed to, is no easy task. Two groups of researchers at Drexel University believe they have a solution. Tunable Optical Chip Paves Way for New Quantum Devices E Researchers have created a silicon carbide (SiC) photonic integrated chip that can be thermally tuned by applying an electric signal. Soft Robot Programmed to Move Like an Inchworm E Engineering researchers from the University of Toronto have created a miniature robot that can crawl with inchworm-like motion. The under- lying technology could transform industries from aviation to smart wearables. WWII Meteorologist Turned Material Scientist Shares Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019 E The Air Force Office of Scientific Research con- gratulates John B. Goodenough, professor in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The Uni- versity of Texas at Austin, for recently being awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019. Goodenough is the eldest recipient of a Nobel Prize at age 97. Meet Ari: The Smart Bike That Helps You Catch Green Lights E With more bikes than ever taking to the city streets, researchers have designed an e-bike that could help riders cruise the "green wave" while also improving trust between humans and machines. Digital Platform Experimentation Project Uses Quantum-inspired Computing and Deep Learning Technology E Fujitsu Limited, the Singapore Management University (SMU), and the Agency for Sci- ence, Technology, and Research (A*STAR)'s Institute of High-Performance Computing an- nounced the launch of the Digital Platform Ex- perimentation Project. Global Market for Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems to Exceed $2B by 2024 E Frost & Sullivan's recent analysis, "Global Counter UAS Market: Forecast to 2024," re- veals that heightened demand for commercial unmanned aerial systems (C-UAS) by the mili- tary for expensive, technologically advanced, multiple-sensor systems is driving innovative C-UAS market growth opportunities.

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