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58 PCB007 MAGAZINE I NOVEMBER 2019 Article by Wang Longji CHINA PRINTED CIRCUIT ASSOCIATION Wang Longji is the honorary secretary-gener- al of the China Printed Circuit Association. He is a senior engineer and an industry leader and used to be the production manager of the first imported PCB manufacturing line in China. Mr. Wang is also a well-known child actor and a "national treasure;" one of his most famous characters was San Mao in "The Winter of Three Hairs." "If you want to have great achieve- ments, you need to end your anxiety first." I often wonder: what is the pur- pose of living in this world? What is the meaning of human life? After thinking seriously about it, I realize that the meaning of life is to constantly encounter difficulties on the way and solve them. This is true for people, and running a business can use the same philosophy. If we do not meet difficulties and are not able to solve them, whether people or enterprises, life will be meaningless. Over the past two years, great changes have taken place in the pattern of our manufac- turing industry and the external environment. These changes have brought pains, but I believe right now is the best opportunity for the development of the industry. In this article, I will review the development of the China Printed Circuit As- sociation (CPCA) and China's electronic circuit industry in the past 30 years as well as the fu- ture of the industry landscape in China. Arduous Pioneering Fifty years ago, I entered the printed circuit industry (renamed the electronic circuit industry in 2015) when it was still in its infancy in China. At that time, our predecessors—professors like Yao Shouren, Li Shihao, Gu Chan- gyin, and Wang Tiezhong—were leading young people to study hard in the lab on single-sided, double- sided, and multilayer printed circuit boards (PCBs). The earliest profes- sional "circuit work- shop" in China was in the Shanghai No. 20 Radio Fac- tory, which con- sisted of less than 40 people, and all of the circuit boards were pro- duced manually. I also returned t o S h a n g h a i from the Fuzhou Military Region. Fortunately, I did not go to the Film Bureau or Shang- hai Film Studios (I could return to the literary and art cir- cles at that time), The CPCA and China's Electronic Circuit Industry: Past and Future Wang Longji